Alignment Journaling Ritual

Journal about your ideal day!

Starting with you waking up, write your ideal day in the present tense, as if it’s already happening. No detail is too small, in fact, it’s encouraged you get into the tiny details! What time do you wake up? What clothes do you put on? Do you leave your home to work or are you working from home? (Or are you working at all?!) Who do you see, or speak to throughout you day? What foods do you eat? Do you have something special planned for yourself, like a tarot reading or a massage? End it with you going to bed.

Then go through and highlight all of the things from your ideal day that you’re already doing, or would be easy to incorporate into your life right now. Do you wake up an hour early on your perfect day to have coffee on your porch alone? Start doing that!

This is a great exercise to show you how accessible your ideal life already is, and helps you make decisions moving forward, checking in to see that they’re in alignment with your ideal life!

Don’t forget to follow along this month on Instagram for additional rituals and practical magic!

Danielle DeWine