Human Design Case Study: Manifestor and Good Vibes Hive Chief Vibes Officer Dani Sage

Are you curious about Human Design and want to see what someone else’s chart looks like? It’s easy to get into the mindset that you’re not special, or that everyone sees the world how you see it, but that’s not true!

Your personal Human Design chart (calculated using your birth date, time, and location) gives you specific information on your gifts, energy, motivations, wisdom, vulnerabilities & more. Your chart  teaches you how you are uniquely designed to utilize your energy, interact with the world, and work with your inner guidance system. It provides you with the practical tools to live in alignment.

Learning and applying the principles of your unique chart can help you let go of conditioning and patterns that are not serving you, and allow more ease, flow and trust into your life. If you love meaning-making systems like myers-briggs, and enneagram, but also can’t pass up checking your horoscope app every day, Human Design might be for you!

Want to learn more about the basics of Human Design before diving into this sample chart? Check out these other blog post from the Good Vibes Hive:

What is Human Design?

Why should I care about Human Design?

The Human Design Chart of Manifestor and Good Vibes Hive Chief Vibes Officer Dani Sage:

Dani’s Human Design Type

Arguably the most important aspect of your Human Design is your energy type. There are five energy types in Human Design: Generator (35%), Manifesting Generator (35%), Manifestor (8%), Projector (21%), and Re ector (1%). You can think of the energy types kind of like astrological signs, or enneagrams.

Your energy type indicates how you’re supposed to interact with the world energetically.

Dani is a Manifestor

Manifestors are the trailblazers and visionaries of the world! You are here to create movements, whether intentionally or not. You are fully equipped to initiate, launch, and start things without an invitation. With the largest aura of all the Human Design types, your energy can’t help but be felt when you enter the room. Your aura is selective, so you will attract some and repel others. Although it can often feel like rejection or disapproval from others, this is the Universe doing you a favor! Think of it as a way of automatically “sift-ing” through energies that don’t align with the Manifestors! When you are living in alignment as a Mani-festor, (aka: living your truth, following your urges, and being unapologetic) the right people will gravitate towards you, and the wrong people won’t like or “get” you, and stay out of your way.

“Manifesting” energy simply means that you do not have to wait for a collaboration/invitation from the Universe in order to act. It is an impulsive energy not driven by anything but the Divine expressing itself through you. A big part of living in alignment as a Manifestor is cherishing and honoring these

impulses because they are rare and special. (Urge vs Preference: an urge seemingly comes out of nowhere, and may not immediately make sense/hard to fit into a narrative at first. Everything else is a preference.)

Rest is SUPER important for Manifestors, if you’re constantly doing and filling your schedule, you have no chance to receive Divine urges. Make yourself free and available for internal urges as often as possible. Your energy works best in short, intense bursts, then lots of rest. You can achieve more in a few hours than the other HD types can achieve in one day. You are not meant for “9-5’s”.

Historically, Manifestors have run the world. Most success advice/self help is written for and by Manifestor energy. Past Manifestors wanted to rise to the top, rule the world, and use the other HD types energy for their own benefit. (Famous Manifestors that give you a bad name include: Valimir Putin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Zedong….yikes.) Because of this, many Manifestors have a subconscious fear of harming or taking advantage of others.

Most current Manifestors would just prefer to be left alone, NEVER micromanaged, and not having to wait or ask permission before making things happen. This aligned, positive Manifestor energy is capable of starting energetic movements, stirring things up and initiating social changes. (Famous Manifestors that have inspired include: Gloria Steinem, Maya Angelou, and Al Gore)


Your “strategy” is how you are individually designed to move throughout the world and interact with others.

It is the way your energy type can maximize the way you attract opportunities and synchronicities. Based on the belief that everything that you desire as a soul is not a coincidence, and the things you are drawn to act as signposts telling you where to go.

When you are using your strategy, you are able to shift through your old conditioning, your old ways of being and ask: “Is this according to my strategy? If not, can I let go of it?”

Dani’s strategy is to inform

Manifestors use their voice to cut through and move obstacles (like mindsets, beliefs, power structures, both internally and externally). Informing others of your actions eases the fears and anxieties of people around you, clearing your path of obstacles. Informing others of your actions before taking them, also helps eliminate the possibility of having your precious flow of intense bursts of energy interrupted (a Manifestors worst nightmare!) because you won’t have to stop and explain yourself.

Signature/Not self theme

Each type has a signature emotion that they’ll feel when successfully following their strategy. This is your energetic system’s way of communicating when you are in alignment (alignment= following your strategy and authority).

Signature: Peace

Manifestors feel peace when they are in alignment. It also shows up as serenity, flow, and freedom from resistance.

Manifestors are meant to act on their urges, which are inexplicable desires to do something. In order to feel peaceful, manifestors have to let themselves envision and then create the lives of their dreams.

Not Self theme: Anger

On the flip side we have the Not Self Theme. When you’re living out of step with your design, it’s common to have a certain emotion that presents itself again and again. Usually that emotion doesn’t feel great and doesn’t get us what we want. It’s tempting to denounce the emotion as “bad,” but actually, these negative emotions are a gift, and so important to pay attention to! These “negative” feelings are guideposts for us. Do not ignore them, because they tell us when we are living inauthentically, as our “not-self”, It is a way to alert you with a feeling when something is “off” or not for you

Manifestors feel anger when they are out of alignment, or when their natural flow is impeded. It can also show up as irritation or annoyance. A manifestor who ignores or suppresses their urges will probably have some pent-up anger.


Your Human Design chart provides guidelines for decision making that varies from person to person. We’re often conditioned to use “logic” when making decisions, which can lead to overthinking things and getting stuck, or feeling like you made the wrong decision. But actually, no one has logic as their authority!

Outlined below is your unique decision making process (aka your authority)!

Emotional Authority:

Wait until you are cool, calm, and collected before making a decision.

Emotional Authority is the inner knowing to wait and observe your process of feeling and emotional perspectives over time until you feel clarity. Emotional people have a constantly shifting perspective due to the powerful emotional energy constantly traveling up and down like a wave.

When you have Emotional Authority, you should never be rushed to make a decision about anything. If an opportunity won’t wait for you to ride out your emotional wave to find clarity, then it’s not the right opportunity for you.


Your individual profile is like an archetype. It says a lot about your personality, your life purpose, and your role in society.

The first number is expressed through your conscious personality, so you will probably relate more to the role associated with that line. It’s natural for you to show up in the world that way, and you’re more aware of this role’s expression in your personality.

The second number is expressed through your unconscious design. Although this role is an innate part of who you are, you might be only peripherally aware of it. This is the role that we need to step into as we grow!

4 / 1 Profile “Networker Investigator”

aka: The Bonus Life

4 aka The Networker:

You are a social butterfly. Friendly and outgoing, people love to be around you because you make them feel welcomed and important.

You love making connections with people, as well as connecting people to each other.

You require human connection in order to thrive. Take good care of your relationships, because they are essential to your wellbeing. The state of your relationships to friends, family, coworkers, romantic partners, and even acquaintances is directly related to your own happiness.

Your social and professional networks are key to your success. You will have the most luck finding opportunities through your networks.

1 aka The Investigator:

You are a keen observer and an insatiable learner. You are a student of human nature, but you prefer to conduct your research independently. You can blend into social situations seamlessly. You are innately curious, with a deep desire to examine the inner workings of the world.

You are deep, and introspective. When you go down a rabbit hole, it could be awhile before you come up for air again. For you, studying and gathering information are productive activities. Especially if you’re feeling fearful about something, learn more about it and you’ll probably feel better. You are not a dabbler. You prefer to build firm foundations in whichever bodies of knowledge interest you most.

Naturally empathetic, you’re adept at reading a room and smoothing over social interactions.

4/1 Dynamic: The Bonus Life

Only 2-3% of the population has this profile.

This profile holds less heavy karma to work through than the other profile types, honoring your truth is what this life is about.

You have the ability to reach the widest variety of people, and you need to externalize constantly.

Fascinated by all aspects of people and their lives. Love learning about Human Design, psychology, and human behavior.

You have the ability to see and sit with polarity/duality which is great for you, but it’s important to understand that most others don’t have this ability.

You are here to learn and then get that wisdom out to your network. You are here to be an example that life does not have to be that hard. Do not tone your personality down.

Design Centers

The Centers in your chart are what we call the geometric shapes located inside the BodyGraph. Centers are your internal hubs that receive and transform the energy that circulates throughout the BodyGraph.

Each of your Centers has a specific function, and influence behavior when operating incorrectly.

Centers can be Defined (colored in) or Undefined (white).

If a center is colored in, that means it’s defined. Defined centers establish your authority, strategy, and energy type.

When you have a center defined, you have reliable access to the energy created in that center. Because the energy from that center is generated from within, there’s no need to recharge it, or get that energy from someone or something else. Defined centers are where you’re not as vulnerable to the influence from outside energy in that area.

To embody your design means to live in accordance with your centers. Most of us aren’t living our designs 100% of the time, but our definition shows us the potential that we have!

The undefined centers are inconsistent, whereas the defined areas are fixed. That’s why we should ideally make decisions in accordance with our authority, which for most of us is a defined center.

We are susceptible to outside influence in the undefined areas. The more open centers we have, the more influenced we are by our environments. That is because open areas reflect the outside world, like an energetic mirror!

(There’s WAAAAY too much information in the centers to share in a blog post, so I’ll skip that, but trust me, this part of your chart is soooo informative!)

Incarnation Cross

The Incarnation Cross in our charts is the form that our unique expression of life takes. It is an energy or role that we inhabit when we are living in our full expression/alignment, or working towards living in our full expression/alignment.

Your Incarnation Cross, in combination with your Profile, is what ultimately defines our purpose on Earth. There are 192 basic Incarnation Crosses in the Human Design System, so think of yours as what makes you a “limited edition” design!

Your Incarnation Cross is something that will slowly emerge over time as you live in alignment with your design. It is the essence of your purpose, and the way in which you leave your mark on the world!

The Cross of Individualism/Opposition:

You are here to be an individual. The energies in your Cross are all individual in nature. This is not about being social or in community. Not that you can't, but ultimately you are here to march to your own drummer. This is a valuable contribution to society as it gives us a chance to view your expression and adopt parts of it if we are inspired to. However it can annoy others who are more community-minded, as it is vastly different from what they accept, so it may be provoking. That provocation is ultimately what leads to change.

Your Cross when you are IN alignment:

You use your pressurized, warrior-like energy to feed your desire for fun, creativity, and newness. Your intuition drives you safely through the world as shocks and initiations continuously evolve you into new levels of unique, creative expression.

Your Cross when you are OUT of alignment:

You feel completely pressured into taking action, or traumatized into non action. You are prone to fights and anxiety. You may feel the need to adhere to societal standards.

Famous people with your Cross:

Alan Watts

Frida Kahlo

Hayao Miyazaki

Ringo Star

Rowan Atkinson

I hope this has been an informative and interesting peak inside the Human Design chart of the Good Vibes Hive Chief Vibes Officer Dani Sage! If you’re interested in learning more about your own chart, check out more information here!

Danielle DeWine